Monday, January 23, 2012

Local priv escalation - linux kernel 2.6.39 and up

Today, i noticed a new local privilege escalation exploit on, and decided to check that out. Initially i thought it might be an exploit for very old Linux kernels but that certainly wasn't the case (here is the advisory on I figured that i would try this on one of my VMs when i got home from work, but i was a little too impatient. I thought i would remote desktop to my systems and get started. Before i attempted this, i figured why not verify the kernel version of my host machine before initiating a remote desktop session. My laptop is running backtrack 5 R1. So i typed, "uname -sr" and was given the output "Linux". Very interesting i thought. Hmm, i figured i'll try it here before any of my VMs (yea i know, bad practice to try someone else's code on a host system before trying it out on your test bench, but i'm not perfect :-P). I went over to and downloaded the exploit and got to work.

First i made sure i was logged in as an unpriveleged user.
Commands: whoami && id
uid=1001(noobuser) gid=1001(noobuser) groups=1001(noobuser)

I complied the code using: gcc -o local_exploit 18411.c

Then i executed the exploit: ./exploit

I was then greeted with another shell. I then verified who i was logged in as.
Commands: whoami && id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=1001(noobuser)

There you have it. Even an account named noobuser can pwn systems and become root with lil effort. Unfortunately, noobuser will still continue to be considered anything but elite, atleast in the security community :(.

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